Greenroom Festival take 2

.... TCSS has been invited back to the GreenRoom Festival in Japan this month and they wanted to come up with something a little different..... something about surf, art, history and teamwork (& power tools)

they commissioned Sage & Paul Joske from Valla surfboards to craft 5 paulownia alaias, based on their research of the original boards in the Bishop Museum, Hawaii.

they then farmed those wooden canvases out to 5 of their artists with an open brief to embellish the deck how they see fit.... no pressure!!

the contributing artists are Jim Mitchell, Steven Harrington, Damiien Horan, Tyler Warren, & yours truly.
The top photos have been taken by Tom Woods
Below is a sample of shots by Elle Green showing the journey of #141 from source to construction to painting

We fly out next week

Development of a logo

Sketches, finished art and close up of the Vibe logo I did for Sage earlier in the year